The Most Valuable Lesson Life OffersHey Reader, The person who says they can’t, and the person who says they can are both right. Life isn’t this objective game, where all outcomes are equally weighted. The most valuable lesson you can learn from life is perspective. It’s choosing how to feel, how to view your circumstances and everything that happens to you. The best day of my life was when I woke up, and realized that there’s virtually no difference between responsibility and adventure. That no one was coming to save me, and it was my job to take care of myself. Pressure. It changes everything. Some people, you squeeze them, they focus. Others fold. What do you do when it gets difficult? There was an old Zen proverb, where the teacher holds a stick. The teacher says to the student, “If you tell me this stick is real, I will hit you with it. If you tell me it is not real, I will hit you with it. If you say nothing, I will hit you with it.” So the student reaches out, grabs the stick, and breaks it. You don’t get to choose what happens to you, you choose how you respond to it. The way to win an unwinnable game (life) is to rewrite the rules. Remember, there is no difference between responsibility and adventure. The greater the responsibility, the greater the adventure. This Week’s Content Wednesday (10/2): The ONE Question All Ambitious People Must Ask - Peter Vander Wall Thursday (10/3): The Productivity Cheat Code (the guide to monk mode) | EP311 | Isaac Velez Show Until next time, keep optimizing the human experience, Isaac Note: This newsletter will be sent every Monday at 10 AM EST starting next week, thanks for reading! |
I’m Isaac. In 2021, I started a podcast, documenting my personal development journey. Now, after publishing over 300 episodes with more than 60 guest interviews, I help leaders optimize their human experience through design thinking, so they can do what they want, when they want. Sign up for The Life Design Newsletter now and receive your FREE Life Design Blueprint!