Stop, Reset, Refocus, GoHey Reader, I know, it’s been a few weeks since my last newsletter. And for good reason. I spent time stepping back from everything, taking a break, and giving myself a chance to reflect on where I’ve been, and the things that I’ve done. But more importantly, I want to reflect on where I want to go, the next mountain to climb, and the next path to walk. We have officially launched season 3 of The Isaac Velez Show, starting with episode 326, and I am super excited for these next few months. 4 Quotes I’m Pondering From Things I’m Reading “The treasure you seek is in the cave you fear to enter.” - Joseph Campbell “People on the success curve live a life of responsibility. They take full responsibility for who they are, where they are, and everything that happens to them.” - Jeff Olson “Show up. Show up consistently. Show up consistently with a positive outlook. Be prepared for and committed to the long haul. Cultivate a burning desire backed by faith. Be willing to pay the price. And do the things you’ve committed to doing—even when no one else is watching.” - Jeff Olson “A man's conscience and his judgment are the same thing, and, as the judgment, so also the conscience may be erroneous” - Thomas Hobbes 4 Life Lessons I’ve Learned There is no tomorrow, there is only today. Anytime you do or start anything, you do it today, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, now. There is no glory in a safe life. Fortune favors the bold. Save the best moves for the bold players, because the best moves are often the bold ones. Another human or a human remembered. It’s either one day or day one. The truth is, I don’t have the strength to handle my current circumstances. I am outmatched and outgunned. But that isn’t a reason to stop, it’s exactly why I should keep fighting. Where would the glory in greatness be if success was certain, and there was no risk? There are four paths to victory: outsmart, outwork, out-innovate, and out-strategize. The world is your oyster; don’t pigeonhole yourself. Ask myself, "What am I doing to position myself ahead of the game?" The questions change when the priority changes. Upcoming Content (01/06) How To Make The Greatest Comeback Of Your Life In 2025 (Full Episode) (01/08) This ONE Thing Changed My Life (Podcast Moment) (01/09) Use This PROVEN System For Success (Podcast Moment) (01/11) The SHOCKING Reason Most People Don’t Change (Podcast Moment) Until next time, keep optimizing the human experience, Isaac |
I’m Isaac. In 2021, I started a podcast, documenting my personal development journey. Now, after publishing over 300 episodes with more than 60 guest interviews, I help leaders optimize their human experience through design thinking, so they can do what they want, when they want. Sign up for The Life Design Newsletter now and receive your FREE Life Design Blueprint!