The Thrilling Adventure Of Change

The Thrilling Adventure Of Change

Hey Reader,

I've been thinking about the idea of an 'epic story.' Stories like Homer's Odyssey, where you have this hero, who prevails against all odds, conquers all foes and obstacles, and ultimately wins.

Joe Rogan once said on his podcast to imagine a documentary crew filming our life, every moment captured on film. How would we act if we knew everything was being recorded and broadcast for the world to see?

The more that I work on building myself, the more I work on optimizing my life. I don't just think about the work and strategy that I need to implement, but also the way I work and implement.

Life is a journey to be enjoyed in pursuit of an ideal destination. Dopamine isn't the pursuit of happiness, it's the happiness of pursuit.

4 Quotes I’m Pondering From Things I’m Reading

"Wealth is the absence of economic anxiety. Freed of the pressure to earn, we can choose how we live. Our relationships with others aren’t shadowed by the stress of money. It sounds basic, easy even.” - Scott Galloway

“When you’re on a mission, you don’t need motivation." - Patrick Bet David

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” - Aristotle

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” - Marcus Aurelius

4 Life Lessons I’ve Learned

  1. Things aren't beautiful because they last forever, they are often beautiful because they don't last forever.
  2. We should be rationally obsessed with money, not emotional, not just obsessed, but rationally obsessed. We know what's coming in, what's going out, and how we are using capital to make us more.
  3. Uncertainty is a huge struggle for high performers, which leaves us with two choices, reduce the uncertainty by taking action, or make peace with the uncertainty, knowing that there will always be risk.
  4. There is no better time than now to start working on your dreams. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today.

Upcoming Content

February 24: EP336 | How to Unlock Flow State & Get 10X More Done

February 25: Why You're Still Single (Harsh Truths You Need to Hear)

February 26: How To Change Your Life With Deep Work

February 27: Productivity Advice I Wish I Knew Sooner

February 28: How To Be Effortlessly Disciplined: 3 Mindset Shifts

Until next time, keep optimizing the human experience.


The Life Design Newsletter

I’m Isaac. In 2021, I started a podcast, documenting my personal development journey. Now, after publishing over 300 episodes with more than 60 guest interviews, I help leaders optimize their human experience through design thinking, so they can do what they want, when they want. Sign up for The Life Design Newsletter now and receive your FREE Life Design Blueprint!