Sex, Money, And Fame Aren’t The Pinnacle Of Experience

Sex, Money, And Fame Aren’t The Pinnacle Of Experience

Hey Reader,

If I just get that one thing…

If I just get that one relationship…

If I just was famous…

How many times have you asked yourself about a what-if? Assuming that it would magically solve all your problems.

Don’t worry, I’m not perfect, and I’ve done it more times than I can count. But here’s what I’ve learned

External solutions = Solve external problems

Internal solutions = Solve internal problems

If you aren’t healthy, getting a better mattress to sleep better, eating organic clean foods to improve nutrition, and getting a nice gym membership to exercise, you are solving the right problem with the right solution.

If you’re dealing with insecurities, if you’re unhappy, getting more money, fame, or status, won’t solve that.

This topic was inspired by a podcast I heard a few weeks back between Chris Williamson and Dan Bilzarian on Modern Wisdom, and hearing from the guy that’s done it all, spent months of his life on yachts celebrating with girls drinking booze, to now hear that he’s trying a monogamous relationship, and felt empty, even after all the fun he had.

It’s refreshing to say the least, because if he can admit the truth that sex and fame aren’t the pinnacle of experience, maybe it’ll serve as a wake-up call to chase real dopamine, build a business you love, take care of your health, start deep and meaningful relationships.

The best things in life tend to be the simplest, yet they are usually the hardest because they require the most consistency.

This Week’s Content

Tuesday (10/15):

Change Your Life In 6 Months (the 'new deal' framework) | EP314 | Isaac Velez Show

Wednesday (10/16):

The Epidemic Of Men's Isolation (Why Men Are Lonelier) - Dr. Robert Glover

Thursday (10/17):

Your Certainty MUST Outweigh Everyone Else's Doubt | EP315 | Isaac Velez Show

Until next time, keep optimizing the human experience,


The Life Design Newsletter

I’m Isaac. In 2021, I started a podcast, documenting my personal development journey. Now, after publishing over 300 episodes with more than 60 guest interviews, I help leaders optimize their human experience through design thinking, so they can do what they want, when they want. Sign up for The Life Design Newsletter now and receive your FREE Life Design Blueprint!